
Want to become a supplier for Beyers Koffie?
Procurement at Beyers Koffie ensures we supply quality goods and services, on time and following the ethical standards laid out by Beyers Koffie.
Our way of working
Beyers believes suppliers are experts, providing innovative, quality, sustainable and cost-efficient solutions. Being a supplier of Beyers means being a partner, contributing to our competitive advantages, growth and profitability in the private label market. It requires a high degree of adaptability and entrepreneurship, working with the continuously changing market.
Just like we are client-driven, we ask our suppliers to treat the goods and services they provide with the greatest care, ensuring perfect results for our customers.
Our focus lies on sustainability. To achieve our targets, we ask our partners to embrace our vision. To pursue sustainability, we believe our suppliers must follow our commitment and focus, taking their products and services further.
At Beyers, loyalty and respect are essential. We adhere to ethical standards and principles that guarantee integrity, transparency and confidentiality.